Upcoming USA Events

    Upcoming USA Events

Cobertura : Local

Dear Remnant Family,
The theme for June is Crusade of Conversion. 
…My child every effort is being made by Satan and those souls he has infected to undermine my Son’s Most Holy Word. Always remember that Satan plants the first seeds of doubts within the hearts of chosen souls. The scale of satanic influence is growing and spreading throughout the world. My poor children suffer so and I weep tears of sorrow when I see their dismay and sorrow. Pray, my children for peace at this time so that God’s children everywhere will turn to my Son for strength… (Mother of Salvation, May 31, 2012)
UPCOMING GLOBAL EVENT - Ten Commandments Series 7-10 Seminar
You are invited to the fourth of the Ten Commandments Series Seminar on Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 9pm Singapore, 3pm CET and 9am EST.
Registration link:  https://bit.ly/TenCommandments7th-10thJUNE152024  /  Webinar ID 848 5828 7604
This Book of Truth Seminar will be in English.  Later national versions will take place in your country.  Come and examine with us the sins against the God Almighty to prepare well for the Warning.
USA National Crusade of Prayer
You are invited to attend the Jesus to Mankind USA Crusade Prayer Hour on Wednesday, June 19th, 2024 at 9pm Eastern, 8pm Central, 6pm Pacific. Registration link: https://bit.ly/USANational19June2024, Webinar ID 839 7359 7828. This month we are offering our Crusade of Prayer in Honor of the Mother of Salvation.
“Satan despises me. He also fears me. To hurt my Son, he will, through those souls he influences, go to great lengths to defile my image through many secret rituals and black masses. My statue will be adorned with satanic symbols and I will be desecrated in many places by Masonic groups who have gained control. Pray, pray, pray, children, every day, for the strength to confront this wickedness with courage. Do not fear it. Accept that Satan’s army is now controlling many nations, in every part of the world. When you accept this, you can then be given the strength and determination you need. When you ask for these graces, through the Crusade Prayers, you can and will help to mitigate this wickedness. Your beloved Mother, Mother of Salvation” (Book of Truth -August 17, 2013)
The Mother of Salvation tells us to pray for the strength to confront wickedness and not to fear it. We will receive graces through reciting the Crusade Prayers.  Let us pray, pray, pray together as a remnant army.  Please invite all your family & friends to come and join us. 
 USA National Seminar
The Jesus to Mankind USA Seminar entitled “The Sacrament of Confession, God’s Love & Mercy Poured Out for Our Salvation” will be held on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 9pm Eastern, 8pm Central, 6pm Pacific.  The registration link for this event will be provided in future notifications.
The Sacrament of Confession, also known as the Sacrament of Reconciliation, is often referred to as the Sacrament of Divine Mercy. This title stems from its central theme of mercy, which underlies the entire sacrament. In this sacrament, the penitent experiences the mercy of God through the forgiveness of sins, reflecting the merciful nature of God Himself. Through confession, the penitent is reconciled with God. Our sins create a separation between us and God; however, through confession, we receive the gift of restoring our relationship and entering into communion with the Eternal Father. Each soul should partake in this loving and merciful Sacrament as often as is possible, because confession is not only about forgiveness; it also involves spiritual healing and transformation. The grace received in this sacrament empowers those who participate in it to resist future sin and helps them progress in holiness. The transformative love of the Eternal Father is another aspect of His Divine Mercy actively at work within the sacrament of confession and within the souls of those who humble themselves before Him.
Please consider joining us on one or more of our standard daily Zoom prayer sessions as follows:
·      9:30am Eastern – 90 minutes including Rosary, Crusade of Prayer and Divine Mercy Chaplet
·      3:00pm Eastern – 20 minutes Divine Mercy Chaplet
·      4:00pm Eastern – 90 minutes including Rosary, Crusade of Prayer and Divine Mercy Chaplet
·      5:30pm Eastern – 20 minutes including select Crusade Prayers
·      11:00pm Eastern – 60 minutes Crusade of Prayer (Wednesdays & Sundays only)
All of these daily sessions are on Zoom ID 962 8055 7488, https://bit.ly/JTM-NA-Zoom
To join other Zoom prayer calls around the world, please view this link:  https://fatherofloveandmercy.wordpress.com/2023/06/25/global-daily-crusade-of-prayer-meetings/
REGISTRATION WITH JTM GLOBAL NETWORK - https://jtmglobal.network/
Sign up with your email address to be notified about Global and National Prayer Events and to receive your country newsletter. During the registration process, indicate whether you would like to receive Global newsletters, and then choose the specific countries from which you'd like to receive national newsletters. It is crucial to provide your country information during registration as it will be used to inform you about new messages.
Please Note:  If you have previously registered for a Zoom event, you are automatically registered.  If you find that is the case, you will need to login and reset your password and enter your country. This gives you access to newsletters from other countries, community notices and the calendar of events. 
June 1 – St. Justin
June 2 – The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)
June 3 – St. Charles Lwanga and Companions
June 5 – St. Boniface
June 7 – Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
June 8 – The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary
June 11 – St. Barnabas
June 13 – St. Anthony of Padua
June 21 – St. Aloysius Gonzaga
June 24 – The Nativity of St. John the Baptist
June 28 – St. Irenaeus
June 29 – Sts. Peter & Paul
CRUSADE PRAYER 85 - To Save the United States of America from the hand of the deceiver
O dear Jesus, cover our nation with Your most precious Protection.  Forgive us our sins against God’s Commandments.  Help the American people to turn back to God.  Open their minds to the True Path of the Lord.  Unlock their hardened hearts, so that they will welcome Your Hand of Mercy.  Help this nation to stand up against the blasphemies, which may be inflicted upon us to force us to deny Your Presence.  We beseech You, Jesus, to save us, protect us from all harm and embrace our people in Your Sacred Heart.  Amen.
If you have any questions, please contact jtm.usa@protonmail.com
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