Official Book of Truth Seminar - Kevelaer, Germany

    Official Book of Truth Seminar - Kevelaer, Germany

Cakupan area : Global

Praised be Jesus and Mary! 
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
The Mission Jesus to Mankind invites you all to a in-person seminar on the Book of Truth, in which you will discover the joy of knowing the truth. 
The theme of the seminar is Peace and Unity in the Jesus to Mankind Mission and the Salvation of Souls.
The seminar will be held in English and German.
This seminar will take place on Saturday, March 2, 2024 in Kevelaer, Germany. Books and sacramentals can be purchased on site. Please register by 20.2.2024 at:
The fee for this seminar is 40 € per person, as some necessary payments have to be made. The price includes coffee breaks, lunch, accommodation for the main speaker and a pro-rata room rental fee. 
After registration, please transfer the participation fee to the vita aeterna account. You will receive a confirmation of payment from vita aeterna. Unfortunately, our group account has been closed as the operator Elinor has discontinued its service. Cash payment on the day of the seminar is not possible.
"My beloved disciples, you are all children of God. I am uniting you, nation with nation, so that I can bring peace and unity in the midst of the chaos that is to come. Let Me bring you into My Holy Family and you will be strengthened. Then you will rise up and press forward, renewed and with fresh vigor to lead My army that has not yet been formed in many countries. Remain faithful to My instructions."
Wednesday, November 21, 2012, 11:30 p.m.
In this seminar we will cover various topics from the Book of Truth on how to prepare for current and future events, and we will also pray for the salvation of souls.
Jesus, I trust in you!
Mother of salvation, pray for us!
Jesus to Mankind Germany
Registration / Contact:
Please register by 20.2.2024 at the latest at the above e-mail address.
Please pay the participation fee of 40 euros by 22.2.2024 to the following account:
Account holder: vita aeterna
Name of the bank: VR Bank Emmendingen
IBAN: DE16680920000030296400
Purpose: Kevelaer, surname, first name
This is an internal event. We therefore ask you not to post it publicly, but only to forward it personally to interested persons.
Our daily prayer hours via Zoom are:
Monday through Sunday 8:15 a.m. - Psalter
Monday to Friday 3:00 p.m. – Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Monday through Sunday 8:00 p.m. - Crusade of Prayer 
If you would like to join us as an active or silent prayer warrior, please
an e-mail to: 
Or dial in to the prayer sessions directly via:
Books in many languages, sacramentals and medals can be purchased here:
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