Defend your children’s right to a Christian Education

zaterdag 23 april 2011 @ 00:05

My beloved daughter, today is the time for all those who believe in the Passion of the Cross to help carry it so that My Word can be heard once again in the world. Remind them how I died and why this represents Salvation. It is your duty now to inform those who have lost their way to open their hearts again to the Truth of My Teachings.

Stand up now and defend your rights to be Christians. While I expect tolerance on your part - where you must respect the views of other faiths - never insult Me by pushing your Christianity aside into second place. It is a dangerous doctrine when you mistake tolerance as a substitute for the Truth. Be open to other faiths and treat your  brothers and sister equally. However, never feel pressurised into pushing aside your beliefs or denying your children the right to a Christian education. Many schools run by Christian organisations are bowing to pressures to abandon their allegiance to Me. Many governments are trying to ban Christianity with the spread of new laws. Yet you will find that other non-Christian religions will be treated less harshly. Instead, any religion will be tolerated more favourably than Christianity.

Fight for your faith now. Pray for conversion. Pray that those regimes who oppress your right to be a Christian show more tolerance. Failure to withstand these pressures will result in a barren world when fewer Christians will practice their faith.

Take up the cross from today and show example to others. Never be ashamed of the Cross.

Your Loving Saviour
Jesus Christ
King of Mankind
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