Era of Peace not far away

dinsdag 4 oktober 2011 @ 15:30

My dearly beloved daughter, the New Era is about to become a reality in the near future.

The Era of Peace will be enjoyed by all of My followers. It will be a period of love, happiness and peace, there will be no disease, pain, financial worries, because everything you will need will be provided by Me. You, My children, will want for nothing as I will nurture and embrace you in My New Paradise just as a parent would nurture an infant. This is to be welcomed. It is a goal for which you must all strive.

There is no use waiting to prepare to enter My New Paradise of Peace. For you may leave it too late. Plan today for you will not know when this will happen. In fact it will happen so quickly and suddenly that you, My followers, will simply find yourselves there in the blink of an eye. That is why you must begin to prepare your souls now for only clean souls can enter.

Time is of the essence. This, My children is one of the last calls to you to amend your lives before The Warning. Prepare each day and trust in My Divine Word as you are now being commanded to follow My pleas for the salvation of souls.

The Era of Peace is not far away now and I urge you to prepare your families so that you can be as one in My New Kingdom.

Your Divine Saviour, Jesus Christ
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