Jesus to Mankind Global Crusade Prayer
Cobertura : Global
Ave Maria!
Dear Prayer Warrior,
You are invited to attend Jesus to Mankind Global Crusade of Prayer on July 1st, 2023 Saturday at 9:00pm Singapore Time (GMT+7), 2:00pm London Time (GMT), 9:00am New York Time (GMT -5).
Come and join us as we pray for our hearts to be generous in prayers, full of love for lost and darkened souls.
… Accept My Cup, My daughter, and for those who accept My Holy Word, through these Messages, know that your generosity of spirit is saving millions of souls every day. Not one minute of your suffering goes to waste. I realise, My children, that when you take up My Cross and follow Me, that you will suffer as a result. But know that by doing this you are helping Me to save most of humanity. You will also help Me in My Reign on Earth, when the deceiver is banished and as My New Paradise on Earth emerges. (Your Teacher and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, March 22, 2012)
This Global event will be in English with Live Translations: Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Russian, Korean, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Polish, Dutch and Czech.
Please invite all of your friends & family to come to join us.
Jesus, we trust in You!
JTM Global