Global Seminar - Prepare for the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ

    Global Seminar - Prepare for the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Reichweite : Global

Dear Crusade Prayer Warrior,

Ave Maria!

You are invited to a Global Seminar entitled Prepare for the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ on Saturday January 28, 2023 at 9:00pm Singapore/8:00am Eastern/2:00pm CET.

Register here:

Events happening now in the Church and the world support the belief that we are in the end times.

Doctrinal confusion and heretical teachings are crucifying the Church from within. Wars and rumors of wars are happening all over the world. Governments are crafting anti-life laws that allow abortion, euthanasia, and same sex marriage.

In trying to make sense of all of this, some people have published their own interpretation of the Book of Revelation about the end times and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

But as is written in Revelation Chapter 5 only Jesus Christ the Lamb of God, The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is worthy to reveal its contents.

Jesus has now revealed details about His Second Coming, in His prophesied Book of Truth, to prepare humanity for His return as King.

For one hour, let us listen to our Lord Jesus as He explains His Second Coming and what we must do to prepare ourselves and our loved ones for His glorious return:

I speak out because of My Divine Mercy, in order to help save you, My children, so that we can be united as one Holy Family in the New Paradise. I do not want to lose one single soul to the deceiver. It is important that My Voice is heard.

Your Jesus
January 12th, 2011

This Global Seminar will be in English but will be available in various languages soon.

Let us invite everyone, Catholics and non-Catholic Christians, those from different creeds and faiths, to this Global seminar so they can also prepare adequately for the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus, I trust in You!

Jesus to Mankind GLOBAL
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