Jesus to Mankind 24 Hour Global Rosary - USA

    Jesus to Mankind 24 Hour Global Rosary - USA

Reichweite : Lokal

Invitation to Unite on Friday October 20th in prayer to dilute the impact of World War 3 and its escalation.

Peace be with you! Please come and help us unite globally in Prayer.

Welcome to our 24-Hour Global Rosary to the Mother of Salvation seeking her intercession on our behalf to dilute the impact of World War 3 and its escalation.

Registration is not required, please join using this link: 
In the event you cannot join the webinar with the link above, please open your Zoom app on your mobile device and enter the meeting with Meeting ID:
871 4847 6768
to join. 

The USA will begin Friday October 20th at 9pm Eastern, 8pm Central, 6pm Pacific
In compliance to the instruction given by the Mother of Salvation in the Book of Truth, we will pray the 4 Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. We will unify globally for 24 hours praying the Rosary in different time zones.
Our Mother of Salvation, in the Book of Truth has emphasized the importance of praying the Holy Rosary in the following message received on September 6, 2013:

 “Pray, pray, pray for all the innocent souls and continue to recite my Most Holy Rosary, three times a day, in order to ease the suffering, which will result because of World War III.
Jesus says, in a message of August 18, 2014:

“…The world is on the cusp of great change, and everything that God foretold will take place. All that He said would happen will happen. And while I gave you the prophets to warn you, you still did not listen.… “… I do not inflict harm upon any man, for this is not what comes from Me. But when evil is inflicted upon God’s children, and when wickedness spreads, I will pour out My Justice and let no man be in any doubt that these times are upon you…

Let us unite in this 24-hour Global Rosary Vigil to dilute the impact of World War 3 and its escalation. We pray to the Eternal Father to save us from the grip of the antichrist and to help all those who love Him to remain true to His Holy Word.  We offer all our prayers asking for the Mother of Salvation’s intercession and protection for all God’s children in every nation against evil.

Jesus, we trust in You!
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