Un caro saluto Guerrieri della Crociata di Preghiera,
La pace sia con voi.
Siete invitati a unirvi a noi in una Crociata di Preghiera Globale di 20 Minuti “Per la Protezione dei Cristiani in ogni parte del Mondo” il 19 novembre 2022, alle 21:00 o...
You are invited to join us in a 20 Minute Global Crusade of Prayer for the Protection of Christians All Over the World on November 19, 2022 at 9:00 pm Singapore time; 2:00 pm CET; 8:00 am Eastern...
Happy 12th Year Anniversary of the Jesus to Mankind Mission!
To celebrate, you are invited to a special Global Crusade Prayer Hour for the Protection of Christians All Over the World on November 9, 2022 at 9:00 pm Singap...
You are invited to attend the Jesus to Mankind Global Crusade of Prayer Session on November 5th, 2022 Saturday at 9:00 pm Singapore Time (GMT+7), 1:00 pm London Time (GMT), 9:00 am New York...