Šios bendruomenės rodinys.

Apsaugos apskritimas

2012 m. birželio 20 d. - Žinia Dievo Gailestingumo Marijai.

Man, Dievo Motinai, Bendraatpirkėjai ir Tarpininkei, buvo duodama malonių sunaikinti žaltį. Jei paprašysite Manęs jums padėti, Aš galiu suteikti jums, Vaikai, apsaugą nuo baimės. Aš galiu per Savo Sūnų duoti jums malonių ir apsaugos ratą, į kurį joks puolęs angelas negalės prasiskverbti. Šėtonas negalės pakenkti ar atakuoti visų tų, kas kalbės Mano Šventąjį Rožinį kiekvieną dieną. Kalbėdami tris ar daugiau Rožinius per dieną, jūs galite praplėsti šios apsaugos ribas, įtraukdami kitus. Jei nors šimtas žmonių galėtų tai daryti, jie galėtų išgelbėti savo tautą nuo piktojo skleidžiamo užteršimo. Jūs turite rinktis draugėn, Vaikai, ir melstis, kad save apsaugotumėte. 

Paklusdami Dievo Motinos nurodymams susiburti, kad apsisaugotume, ieškome bent 100 savanorių iš mūsų šalies, kurių kiekvienas įsipareigotų per dieną sukalbėti tris ar daugiau Rožinio maldų su intencija sudaryti Apsaugos ratą virš mūsų šalies. 

Jei norite tapti mūsų šalies savanoriu, spustelėkite šį mygtuką: Suteikite pažadą
Suteikite pažadą

Būsimi renginiai


Grinvičo laikas (Londonas)

60 Minute Crusade of Prayer

Aprėptis : Regioninis Prieiga : Ribotas

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Grinvičo laikas (Londonas)

60 Minute Crusade of Prayer

Aprėptis : Regioninis Prieiga : Ribotas

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Grinvičo laikas (Londonas)

Divine Mercy Chaplet

Aprėptis : Regioninis Prieiga : Ribotas

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Beware: This is an impersonation account using the identity of Maria Divine Mercy without permission.

Aprėptis : Pasaulinis

Dear Remnant Family,
Please be aware that someone is sending friend requests on Facebook to members of the Jesus to Mankind Mission, using the name Maria Divine Mercy. 
Jesus stated “…My Word is the end. It is final. There can be no other ...

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Beware of False Prophets. Beware of False Prophets. Beware of False Prophets. Beware of False Prophets. Beware of False Prophets. Beware of False Prophets.

Beware of False Prophets.

Aprėptis : Pasaulinis

Dear Remnant Family,

May God’s blessings and peace unite us in love and harmony.

A number of false prophets and alleged ‘seers’ are causing tremendous harm to the Book of Truth mission in Europe, surrounding regions and globally.  

The dangers they p...

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Reminder: Spiritual & Physi... Reminder: Spiritual & Physical P... Reminder: Spiritual & Physical Preparation Reminder: Spiritual & Physical Preparation Reminder: Spiritual & Physical Preparation Reminder: Spiritual & Physical Preparation

Reminder: Spiritual & Physical Preparation

Aprėptis : Pasaulinis

Praise be Jesus and Mary.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
We are encouraged to take steps toward being prepared spiritually as well as physically, the best we can according to our personal life situation and resources for the times that ar...

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Book of Truth In-Person Sem... Book of Truth In-Person Seminar... Book of Truth In-Person Seminar – June 1st, 2024 | F... Book of Truth In-Person Seminar – June 1st... Book of Truth In-Person Seminar – June 1st, 202... Book of Truth In-Person Seminar – June 1st, 2024 | From 9am –...

Book of Truth In-Person Seminar – June 1st, 2024 | From 9am – 5pm | Houston, Texas - USA

Aprėptis : Vietinis

*Please be advised that the start time of this in-person seminar has changed.  It will now be from 9am-5pm*

Praised be Jesus and Mary! 

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ...

The Mission of Jesus to Mankind invites you all to the in-person Seminar o...

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Aprėptis : Vietinis

Dear Remnant Family,

We will be sending monthly newsletters outlining upcoming events and information so that we can all mark our calendars and plan accordingly. This month’s theme is The Holy Trinity Revealed, and we will be exploring this myste...

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St Benedict Medal St Benedict Medal St Benedict Medal St Benedict Medal St Benedict Medal St Benedict Medal

St Benedict Medal

Aprėptis : Pasaulinis

Dear Remnant Family,

May God’s blessings and peace unite us in love and harmony.

JTM Global has become aware of an unfounded rumour circulating globally, casting doubt on the legitimacy of the St Benedict Medal.

A website with dubious information is...

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Upcoming USA Events Upcoming USA Events Upcoming USA Events Upcoming USA Events Upcoming USA Events Upcoming USA Events

Upcoming USA Events

Aprėptis : Vietinis

Dear Remnant Family,
The theme for December is The Gift of the Family Unit. The Feast of the Holy Family is celebrated in the Catholic Church on the Sunday within the Octave of Christmas, usually falling between Christmas and New Year's Day. Duri...

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Beware: This is an imperson... Beware: This is an impersonation... Beware: This is an impersonation account using the i... Beware: This is an impersonation account u... Beware: This is an impersonation account using... Beware: This is an impersonation account using the identity of...

Beware: This is an impersonation account using the identity of Maria Divine Mercy without permission.

Aprėptis : Pasaulinis

Dear Remnant Family,
Please be aware that someone is sending friend requests on Facebook to members of the Jesus to Mankind Mission, using the name Maria Divine Mercy. 
Jesus stated “…My Word is the end. It is final. There can be no other ...

informacijos peržiūra

Beware of False Prophets. Beware of False Prophets. Beware of False Prophets. Beware of False Prophets. Beware of False Prophets. Beware of False Prophets.

Beware of False Prophets.

Aprėptis : Pasaulinis

Dear Remnant Family,

May God’s blessings and peace unite us in love and harmony.

A number of false prophets and alleged ‘seers’ are causing tremendous harm to the Book of Truth mission in Europe, surrounding regions and globally.  

The dangers they p...

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Updated Prayer Meeting Sche... Updated Prayer Meeting Schedule... Updated Prayer Meeting Schedule - North America Updated Prayer Meeting Schedule - North Am... Updated Prayer Meeting Schedule - North America Updated Prayer Meeting Schedule - North America

Updated Prayer Meeting Schedule - North America

Aprėptis : Regioninis

Dear Crusade Prayer Warriors for the USA and Canada,


We are pleased to announce that the USA team has a series of new 20 minute Crusade Prayer meetings starting up.  In obedience to Our Lord’s instructions, both Canada and the USA are working to...

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