Global Lenten Rosary Crusade

Global Lenten Rosary Crusade

Grinvičo laikas (Londonas)

Aprėptis : Pasaulinis Prieiga : Viešasis

Prieigos nuoroda :

You are invited to attend the Jesus to Mankind Global Lenten Rosary Crusade.
Every Friday of Lent, beginning February 16th to March 29th 2024, we will be reciting the 4 mysteries of the Holy Rosary.  This is in response to the March 9, 2012 message of Our Mother of Salvation:

"As the wars are now being plotted. it is important that my Holy Rosary be recited every day before Easter. Children, if you could devote each day of the week to my Holy Rosary with every Friday to saying the four mysteries, between now and Easter, much destruction in the world can and will be mitigated.

My Son is so happy with those who accept His Holy Word, with love and purity of heart.
Great Graces are being bestowed on those clean souls who trust in Him completely, without any doubts in their hearts. You, my children, are the remnant, the little acorn of believers, who will help swell the Army, now required to deplete sin in the world.

Your prayers and especially my Most Holy Rosary, are the weapons needed to destroy the evil one and those he infests in every corner of the Earth. Go now, my children, and organise global prayers so that my Rosary is recited across all nations, between now and Easter Sunday..."

No registration is required, simply click on the link to join.   Webinar ID 838 5956 4297
Please invite your family and friends to and give Jesus the Gift of your time.

Jesus to Mankind Global

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GMT−07:00 - Šiaurės Amerikos Ramiojo vandenyno laikas (Los Andželas) 2024 m. vasario 16 d., penktadienis 00:00 2024 m. vasario 16 d., penktadienis 02:00
GMT−04:00 - Šiaurės Amerikos rytų laikas (Niujorkas) 2024 m. vasario 16 d., penktadienis 03:00 2024 m. vasario 16 d., penktadienis 05:00
GMT+00:00 - Grinvičo laikas 2024 m. vasario 16 d., penktadienis 08:00 2024 m. vasario 16 d., penktadienis 10:00
GMT+01:00 - Grinvičo laikas (Londonas) 2024 m. vasario 16 d., penktadienis 08:00 2024 m. vasario 16 d., penktadienis 10:00
GMT+08:00 - Singapūro laikas (Singapūras) 2024 m. vasario 16 d., penktadienis 16:00 2024 m. vasario 16 d., penktadienis 18:00
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