Jesus to Mankind 24 Hour Global Rosary Crusade

    Jesus to Mankind 24 Hour Global Rosary Crusade

Aprėptis : Pasaulinis

Invitation to Unite in Prayer

Peace be with you!

You are all invited to participate in a Jesus to Mankind 24-Hour Global Rosary Crusade. 

In obedience to the instruction given by the Mother of Salvation in the Book of Truth, we will pray the 4 mysteries of the Holy Rosary.  We will unify globally for 24 hours with 12 groups from different continents, praying the Rosary in different time zones, starting November 26 (4am Singapore time) until November 27 (4am Singapore time).

Our Mother of Salvation, in the Book of Truth has emphasized the importance of praying the Holy Rosary in the following message received on June 20, 2012: 

 "I can, with my Son, give you the graces and the circle of protection which no fallen angel can penetrate. Satan cannot harm or attack, all those who say my Holy Rosary every day. By reciting three or more Rosaries you can extend this protection for others. If even a hundred people could do this they could save their nation from the contamination spread by the evil one. You must gather together children and pray to protect yourselves.”

She also says, in the message of December 8, 2014: 

“…Under my protection you will be given relief from the attacks he will inflict upon every Christian who tries to remain loyal to my Son in the trials, which lie before you. My Son has accorded me the power to crush the head of the serpent so that He can bring you closer to Him. Accept my protection and I will respond to all who ask me for help…”

Let us unite globally our hearts as one Jesus to Mankind Global Family, together with the Mother of Salvation, in this battle to save souls.  We will offer all our prayers asking for her intercession and protection for all God’s children in every nation against evil.

Abundant love at Adoration makes you stronger and calmer

Jesus says in a message dated June 12, 2011: 

“My beloved daughter, the graces received by My children at the Eucharistic Adoration are powerful. They not only give you the graces to cope with life’s suffering, they make you stronger in your love for Me, your devoted and loyal Saviour.

The love that is poured out over souls during the Adoration is given in abundance… If My children could see the Light that envelops their souls during this special Holy Hour, they would be astonished.

Children, it is during this hour that you become very, very close to Me. This is where your voice, your pleas, your pledges of love for Me, will be heard. Many wonderful graces are given to you, children, at this time, so please do not ignore My pleas to spend this time in My company.

The rewards will make you free of worry, light of heart, mind and soul, and calmer in yourself. When you receive Me during the Eucharist, I will fill your soul. But when you come to Me in Adoration, I will envelop you to such an extent, that the floodgates of My Merciful Love will saturate your mind, body and soul. You will feel a strength, which will yield a quiet confidence that you will find difficult to ignore…”

There will be the opportunity for a short period of silent online Eucharistic Adoration before the final closing prayers of each 2-hour session.

Please come and help us unite globally in Prayer.

Jesus, we trust in You! 

The Remnant Army of Christ will Triumph!

JTM Global

Order of Host Countries

26 November Australia/NZ (Sydney) 7am-9am
26 November Korea                  7am - 9pm     
25 November Central America 6pm - 8pm
26 November Philippines          10am - 12pm
26 November Vietnam              11am - 1pm
26 November India                   11:30am - 1:30pm
26 November Africa                  9am - 11am       
26 November Dutch                 11am - 1pm       
26 November Croatia                1pm - 3pm
26 November Spain                  3pm - 5pm               
26 November France                5pm - 7pm 
26 November USA (Eastern)    1pm - 3pm 

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