Jesus to Mankind Global Crusade of Prayer Session, January 7th, 2023. Singapore 9pm/ London 1pm / New York 9am

Aprėptis : Pasaulinis

Dear prayer warrior,

Ave Maria!

Dear Crusade prayer warrior,

You are invited to attend the First Jesus to Mankind Global Crusade Prayer Session of the New Year on January 7th, 2023 Saturday at 9:00 pm Singapore Time (GMT+7), 1:00 pm London Time (GMT), 8:00 am New York Time (GMT -4).

If you are not registrated, please register here:
WEBINAR-ID: 86865421960

Theme for this entire month is: : PREPARE FOR THE SECOND COMING

..Now that the time draws closer for My Second Coming, those who recognize My Voice and who listen to Me, must devote their time to ensure that they spread My Word and pray for the salvation of all their brothers and sisters.

...Every one of you in My Remnant Army will be given special Graces and I will create miracles all over the world to prove to the skeptics that it is I, Jesus Christ, Who has sent My prophet to prepare all of you for My Second Coming. (Jesus, June 7, 2013)

This Global Crusade Prayer Hour will be in English. Live Translators will be available in: German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian/Ukrainian, Korean, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Slovak, Croatian and Hungarian. Even if your language is not present, prayer programs will be shared so you can come and  join us  in prayer by reading the prepared material.

We will pray the Holy Rosary, the Crusade Prayers, and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy Chaplet for the salvation of all sinners, including our loved ones and friends who have turned their backs on the Lord and for the triumph of the remnant army.

Let us unite our hearts as one Jesus to Mankind Global Family, together with the Virgin Mary, our Mother of Salvation and offer our prayers and sacrifices for the conversion and salvation of all sinners.  

Happy New Year!

Jesus, we trust in You!

JTM Global
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