Jesus to Mankind Global Crusade of Prayer Session, March 4th, 2023. Singapore 9pm/ London 1pm / New York 8am

    Jesus to Mankind Global Crusade of Prayer Session, March 4th, 2023. Singapore 9pm/ London 1pm / New York 8am

Aprėptis : Pasaulinis

Ave Maria!

Dear Crusade prayer warrior,

You are invited to attend a Jesus to Mankind Global Crusade Prayer Session on March 4th, 2023 Saturday at 9:00 pm Singapore Time (GMT+7), 1:00 pm London Time (GMT), 8:00 am New York Time (GMT -4).

Please click here to register: 
Webinar ID: 844 9056 5572


I need your suffering because it saves the souls of sinners, who would otherwise end up in Hell. One day you will look into their souls and will be overwhelmed with love and joy when you see them sit next to Me beside the Throne of My Father.

Sinners will always be embraced first, when they repent. They will always be in the front line, much to the surprise of My followers. These souls have been brought to Me through the prayers and suffering of My followers, and My chosen souls. My followers will understand this, because they will, through their union with Me, rejoice at the salvation of such souls. (Jesus, Sep 14, 2011)

This Global Crusade Prayer event will be in English. Live Translators will be available in: German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Korean, Albanian, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Croatian and Hungarian.  Even if your language is not present, prayer programs will be shared so you can come and  join us  in prayer by reading the prepared material.

We will pray the Holy Rosary, the Crusade Prayers, and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy Chaplet for the salvation of all sinners, during this Lenten season.

Let us unite our hearts as one Jesus to Mankind Global Family, together with the Virgin Mary, our Mother of Salvation and offer our prayers and sacrifices for the conversion and salvation of all sinners.  

Jesus, we trust in You!

JTM Global

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