Jesus to Mankind Global Crusade of Prayer Session, April 16th, 2023. Singapore 9pm/ London 2pm / New York 9am

    Jesus to Mankind Global Crusade of Prayer Session, April 16th, 2023. Singapore 9pm/ London 2pm / New York 9am

Aprėptis : Pasaulinis

Dear Crusade Prayer Warrior,

Ave Maria!

You are invited to attend the Jesus to Mankind Global Crusade Prayer Session on April 16th, 2023 Divine Mercy Sunday at 9:00 pm Singapore Time (GMT+7), 2:00 pm London Time (GMT), 9:00 am New York Time (GMT -4).

Please click here to register:
Webinar ID: 883 5714 1826

Theme for this entire month is:  JESUS´S DIVINE MERCY

…the time for my Son to deliver His Gift of Divine Mercy is drawing close. As such, you must concentrate on your Mission to save souls. You must not allow distractions, which take your eye off the most important task of spreading conversion.

The Heavens rejoice, as this divine Gift will soon be presented with the pure Love that my Son holds in His Heart for all souls. My child, as this work escalates in its intensity, the evil one will continue to torment you through different people at every opportunity. You have been instructed to keep silent and focus only on my Son. (Mother of Salvation, Nov 2, 2011)

This Global Crusade Prayer will be in English. Live Translators will be available in: German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Korean, Czech, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Romanian and Polish.  Even if your language is not present, prayer programs will be shared so you can come and  join us  in prayer by reading the prepared material.

We will pray the Holy Rosary, the Crusade Prayers, and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy Chaplet for the salvation of all sinners, during this Easter season.

Let us unite our hearts as one Jesus to Mankind Global Family, together with the Virgin Mary, our Mother of Salvation and offer our prayers and sacrifices for the conversion and salvation of all sinners.  

Jesus, we trust in You!

Alleluia!!! He is Risen!

JTM Global
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