Gift of the Holy Spirit in the Mission of Salvation Jesus to Mankind Global 20 Minute Crusade of Prayer

    Gift of the Holy Spirit in the Mission of Salvation Jesus to Mankind Global 20 Minute Crusade of Prayer

Aprėptis : Pasaulinis

Ave Maria!
Dear Crusade prayer warrior,
You are invited to attend A Jesus to Mankind Global 20 Minute Crusade of Prayer for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Mission of Salvation, Saturday at 9pm Singapore Time (GMT+7), 2pm London Time (GMT), 9am New York Time (GMT -5).
If you are not registered, please register here:
WEBINAR ID: # 899 3976 5712
Message Tuesday Dec 16, 2014 at 11:00 pm
Those who are Mine are like Me, in many ways. The closer they are to My Heart, the more they emulate Me. They will be humble for they could never boast of their knowledge of Me. They speak only what I would speak and that is the Truth, even when it draws hatred upon them. They would find it very uncomfortable to be elevated or praised for any good works they do for that is not their purpose. They seek only to do My Holy Will. Your Jesus.
This Global 20-Minute Prayer Session will be in English.
Live Translations will be available in: Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Ukrainian, Korean, Polish, Slovak, Vietnamese, Indonesian and Italian
Jesus, we trust in You!
JTM Global
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