Jesus to Mankind Global Book of Truth Seminar. God the Father: I Am your Father. I Am your Creator. I Am Who I Am.

    Jesus to Mankind Global Book of Truth Seminar.  God the Father: I Am your Father. I Am your Creator. I Am Who I Am.

Coverage : Global

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Peace be with you! 

You are invited to attend a Global Seminar God the Father: I Am your Father. I Am your Creator. I Am Who I Am, on Saturday September 16, 2023 at 9pm Singapore time. 2PM London time, 3:00pm CET and 9am New York time.

Register here: 

Webinar ID 842 1114 4893

Join us in discovering our true Father, God the Father, as we seek to nurture a genuine relationship of love and trust with Him.

“…I am within your grasp. Please call out to Me. I want you. I love you. I need you, for you are part of My Flesh. And, as part of My Flesh I feel lost when you do not respond to Me…  

“…I cry Tears of great sorrow when you do not know Who I Am. My Heart is heavy as I call out to you now. Love Me as I love you… Your Eternal Father” BOT 10 September 2014.

Jesus, we trust in You!

JTM Global

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