Jesus to Mankind 20 Minute Crusade of Prayer - November 19, 2022 - For the Protection of Christians all over the World

Coverage : Global

Greetings Crusade Prayer Warriors,

Peace be with you.

You are invited to join us in a 20 Minute Global Crusade of Prayer for the Protection of Christians All Over the World on November 19, 2022 at 9:00 pm Singapore time; 2:00 pm CET; 8:00 am Eastern Standard Time.

If you are not registered please link here: 

Meeting ID:  883 6557 6636

Dear Crusade Prayer Warrior,

The faithful are being deprived of their right to practice and express their Christian beliefs at the expense of their livelihoods, their professions, and even their very lives. The persecution comes not only from secular society but also from Christian leaders all over the world.

The Mother of Salvation gave us this warning on Saturday Jun 28, 2014 at 03:03 pm

“The True Church will become a Remnant and this Army will unite throughout the world to become the latter-day saints and they will be empowered by the Holy Spirit in order to sustain the Truth. They will be spat at; laughed at and accused of being radicals, just as my Son, Jesus Christ, was accused of heresy when He walked the Earth to preach the Truth.

It will require tremendous courage to stay true to the Word of God, for you will be accused of wrongdoing. Your crime they, the enemies of God, will say is that you spread untruths about this abomination. Everything, which comes from God, will be declared to be a lie, while the truth, which they will say is represented by the new one world religion, will be a lie.”

This Global One Hour Crusade of Prayer Session will be in English and will have live translations in the following languages: German, Spanish, French, Russian/Ukrainian, Korean, Portuguese, Italian, Slovak, Hungarian, Romanian and Vietnamese.

Let us pray to the Mother of Salvation and the Lord Jesus Christ for the Protection of Christians All Over the World and for the preservation of the True Faith.

Jesus, we trust in You!

JTM Global

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