St Benedict Medal

    St Benedict Medal

Coverage : Global

Dear Remnant Family,

May God’s blessings and peace unite us in love and harmony.

JTM Global has become aware of an unfounded rumour circulating globally, casting doubt on the legitimacy of the St Benedict Medal.

A website with dubious information is attempting to discredit the authenticity of the St Benedict Medal, asserting that those in circulation for two hundred years are false. 

Unfortunately, these rumours are gaining traction, leading individuals who purchased the Seal of the Living God Crucifix, featuring the St Benedict Medal, to question its legitimacy.

JTM Global has reached out to a distinguished exorcist priest in the Roman Catholic Church, who has verified that the Seal of the Living God Crucifix indeed incorporates the official St Benedict 'Jubilee' medal. This is the medal struck to commemorate the 1400th anniversary of the birth of Saint Benedict. This particular medal is the exclusive version recognised by the Catholic Church and employed by exorcists for the past three centuries. 

We have received a strong warning not to deviate from the St Benedict Jubilee Medal as it offers exceptional protection against the evil one.

Moreover, JTM Global has received from a distinguished exorcist priest an image of the actual room where exorcisms occur, featuring the same Crucifix used by the Jesus to Mankind Mission.

We urge you to ignore the false claims and to resist attempts to pull you away from the gifts given to humanity from Heaven.

God Bless you all
JTM Global

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