The USA Coordinators will be working on preparing a list of recommended cities to hold official Jesus to Mankind Seminars for 2025. We would like to be able to set up as many official seminars as we can for this ye...
The theme for January is For the Protection of the One True Apostolic Church… My Church will remain intact. My Church will stay standing, because of those who will remain true to the Word of God – the Word, which became F...
Preghiera della crociata 172 La Preghiera di Rinnovamento a Dio Padre Domenica 5 Gennaio 2025 @ ore 15:00 Ci viene chiesto di pregare la Preghiera di Rinnovamento più spesso che possiamo.
Rinnova la mia mente, il corpo e l’anima. Rinnova il mio crede...