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Introducing 20 minute 7 day... Introducing 20 minute 7 day Engl... Introducing 20 minute 7 day English Canada Novena of... Introducing 20 minute 7 day English Canada... Introducing 20 minute 7 day English Canada Nove... Introducing 20 minute 7 day English Canada Novena of Salvation...

Introducing 20 minute 7 day English Canada Novena of Salvation Session January 13, 2025

Copertura : Locale

Greetings fellow Canadians and Americans, 

This notice is to let you know that English Canada will be adding a new 20 minute Novena of Salvation prayer session. 

The first once-a-month 7 day session will start at 7:00am Eastern (Toronto/New York) tim...

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Upcoming USA Events Upcoming USA Events Upcoming USA Events Upcoming USA Events Upcoming USA Events Upcoming USA Events

Upcoming USA Events

Copertura : Locale

Dear Remnant Family,
The theme for December is The Gift of the Family Unit. The Feast of the Holy Family is celebrated in the Catholic Church on the Sunday within the Octave of Christmas, usually falling between Christmas and New Year's Day. Duri...

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Beware: This is an imperson... Beware: This is an impersonation... Beware: This is an impersonation account using the i... Beware: This is an impersonation account u... Beware: This is an impersonation account using... Beware: This is an impersonation account using the identity of...

Beware: This is an impersonation account using the identity of Maria Divine Mercy without permission.

Copertura : Globale

Dear Remnant Family,
Please be aware that someone is sending friend requests on Facebook to members of the Jesus to Mankind Mission, using the name Maria Divine Mercy. 
Jesus stated “…My Word is the end. It is final. There can be no other ...

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Attenzione ai falsi profeti. Attenzione ai falsi profeti. Attenzione ai falsi profeti. Attenzione ai falsi profeti. Attenzione ai falsi profeti. Attenzione ai falsi profeti.

Attenzione ai falsi profeti.

Copertura : Globale

Cara Famiglia dell'esercito Rimanente,

Possano le benedizioni di Dio e la pace unirci in amore e armonia.

Un numero di falsi profeti e presunti 'veggenti' stanno causando un danno enorme alla Missione del Libro della Verità in Europa, regioni circos...

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