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St Benedict Medal St Benedict Medal St Benedict Medal St Benedict Medal St Benedict Medal St Benedict Medal

St Benedict Medal

Coverage : Global

Dear Remnant Family,

May God’s blessings and peace unite us in love and harmony.

JTM Global has become aware of an unfounded rumour circulating globally, casting doubt on the legitimacy of the St Benedict Medal.

A website with dubious information is...

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New Message from the Mother... New Message from the Mother of S... New Message from the Mother of Salvation New Message from the Mother of Salvation New Message from the Mother of Salvation New Message from the Mother of Salvation

New Message from the Mother of Salvation

Coverage : Global

I am the Mother of God, Mother of Salvation, the Immaculate Conception.
Saturday, 1 June, 2024 @ 13:00hrs 
My child, today I will cover all those who recite my new Crusade Prayer with extraordinary graces and protection. 
All those who recite th...

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New Crusade Prayer from the... New Crusade Prayer from the Moth... New Crusade Prayer from the Mother of Salvation New Crusade Prayer from the Mother of Salv... New Crusade Prayer from the Mother of Salvation New Crusade Prayer from the Mother of Salvation

New Crusade Prayer from the Mother of Salvation

Coverage : Global

New Crusade Prayer dictated by the Mother of Salvation on the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity in which she says. 
"Here is a very special Crusade of Prayer, which I have been directed by the Most Holy Trinity, to bequeath to the world. It must be s...

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Global Official Announcement Global Official Announcement Global Official Announcement Global Official Announcement Global Official Announcement Global Official Announcement

Global Official Announcement

Coverage : Global

Peace be with you!
As followers of this Mission, JTM Global would like to draw your attention to the importance of focusing on the Messages and Instruction through the Book of Truth and the Jesus to Mankind Mission.  This instruction is essential...

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